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Motor Trade
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About Autorola.fr
How do I have to deliver the car?
The buyer must collect the car from you within a week, the arrangement details must be agreed between you and the prospective buyer. You need to be able to exchange ownership of the car between 9.00 - 18.00.
Related questions
How do I register a car?
What does it cost to sell a car?
What happens once the auction is closed?
Can I set my own reserve price?
Can I cancel registration of my car in the auction?
How quickly will the car get sold?
How do I know whether the car has been sold?
Can I sell cars for customers?
What is the maximum age of a vehicle sold at auction?
What are my responsibilities when I sell a car?
Can I sell the car to another party?
What are the advantages of selling cars at an auction?
How do I have to deliver the car?
How do I receive payment for the car?
How do I become an approved dealer?
Can Autorola.fr reject a registered car?
Why is it advantageous to submit pictures of the car?
How easy is it to register a car?
What information do I have to provide about the car?
Why is it important that I describe the car thoroughly?
Can I be sure of getting the highest market price?
Telephone support
Weekdays 9.00 - 18.00 | Telephone:
+33 (0)1 30 02 88 88